2010 marks forty years since Earth Day was founded, a day marked to celebrate the world’s natural treasures and draw attention to those issues that are causing detriment to the them.
Living in The Bahamas, we have so many wild wonders to be thankful for. It has been said by astronauts that The Bahamas is the most beautiful view from space; we are so fortunate to live in such an exquisite little archipelago, a country millions flock to visit every year.
Here are some interesting eco-facts definitely worthy of celebration about the place we, at The SignMan, call home:
- The Bahamas is home to the 3rd largest barrier reef in the world.
- 22 marine mammals, including blue whales, humpback whales and spotted dolphins, pass through Bahamian waters.
- The Bahamas boasts the clearest water in the world, with visibility exceeding 200 feet – a specific alga (which requires light to live) is found deeper in The Bahamas than anywhere else on Earth.
- 5% of the world’s coral can be found in the waters of The Bahamas.
- 109 species of birds breed in the Islands of The Bahamas.
- 120 plant species are found ONLY in The Bahamas.
- The Bahamas is home to the world’s largest breeding colony of West Indian flamingos, over 60,000.
So we certainly have a lot to celebrate on this day – small as we are! However, living and enjoying such gems has its responsibilities; we have an obligation to future generations to ensure their sustainability.
Climate change has been marked as the greatest eco-challenge of our time; the impacts of which are predicted to be severe in The Bahamas. According to the World Bank, we will rank amoung the top 10 countries most affected in terms of our GDP, agriculture, urban extent, population and wetlands. The time to act is NOW – whether you do something small like change one light bulb to a compact fluorescent or LED or carpool or something big like buy a hybrid car or re-outfit your home with alternative energy. Get more energy & cost saving tips here: http://www.stopglobalwarming.org/sgw_actionitems.asp and pledge your green act here: http://billionactsofgreen.com/
Join the Revolution! Let’t make it One Billion Acts of Green!
Have a beautiful Earth Day!